About Me

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I am just a hockey loving lady who would choose a night in with friends or family any day. I work in Non-Profit and LOVE what I do. (Even if it requires me to work many crazy hours!) I craft/paint for fun & a stress reliever. I just keep taking each day as a blessing & challenge that will lead me down the right path. I can't wait to see what is in store for me next :)
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Saturday, February 11, 2012

HELLO my crafty friends!

I am back with 2 new crafts!

My first craft was for my nephew's 2nd birthday. He had an Elmo party, so why not make Elmo cupcakes?! I saw some pictures on Pinterest & figured it wouldn't be too hard. . . . Well I don't think they are the best ever, but they definitely worked for us. :) {Tip: We used pink icing & added red food coloring. It took pretty much a whole bottle to get the red we wanted. . . }

For my second craft, I was once again inspired by something seen on Pinterest. Obviously, I chose to make one with a 'J' because of my name, but I am curious to try out many other letters and fonts. I think the hardest part was placement. I had all of the buttons beautifully arranged & I realized I had not payed attention to my spacing according to the top/bottom & the sides. (I got buttons for a gift, but I reccomend looking at your nearest Hobby Lobby. I hot glued the pink fabric to the glass & secured them in the frame. Then, I positioned & hot glued the buttons onto the fabric.)

Yay! I had soo much fun with these projects & can't wait to start my next!

Until then, keep crafting & feel free to contact me with any questions or comments (hint hint)!